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Our Wishlist
RCAL is always looking to keep our technology, equipment, and spaces up to date.  Your contribution would help us achieve this goal, which aids us in serving people with disabilities to the best of our ability.  Your donation is always appreciated.

We are currently in need of:

  • A storage shed (donate here)

    • RCAL is in the process of converting our former storage space into an employment center!  Although this news is highly exciting, we are now running low on storage space, as our loan closet simply is not large enough to hold the many items we have.  A storage shed would allow us to be more organized, lessen clutter, and help us run our loan closet transactions more efficiently.​

  • A new printer

    • Keeping our technology up to date is highly important to us here at RCAL.  We prioritize efficiency and always wish to make our services as accessible to our consumers as possible.  A new printer would allow us to print important documents, forms, flyers, etc. with ease and clarity.​

We thank you for your generosity!

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